Monday, October 27, 2014

Wire at Wilson Scrap Metal Recycling, 404 Maury Street S, Wilson, NC, 27893, (252) 243-3586

Our current prices for Insulated Copper Wire ranges from 25 cents to $1.72 per pound

We want to buy your WIRE at Wilson Scrap Metal Recycling. We buy all kinds of wire at our facility. Price of wire depends on the type of metal, insulation, and the thickness of the metal. We accept all types of wires and cords- including (but not limited to) extension cords, insulated copper wire, lead wire, Christmas lights, etc. While prices are subject to change, you will generally receive between 25 cents and $2.65 a pound for your wires.

Our current price for Christmas lights is 25 cents per pound
For today’s prices call our main number at 919-828-5426 and after the Greeting, Press 2, you will hear a recording of "Today's Prices".